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1 Research Methods - 1.1 How do Sociologists Approach the Study of Society?
1 Research Methods - 1.2 What Types of Data and Evidence do Sociologists Use?
1 Research Methods - 1.3 How do Sociologists Investigate Society?
2 Identity: Self and Society - 2.1 How do we Learn our Identity?
2 Identity: Self and Society - 2.2 How does Society Control Us?
2 Identity: Self and Society - 2.3 What Influences our Social Identity?
3 Social Stratification and Inequality - 3.1 What is Social Stratification?
3 Social Stratification and Inequality - 3.2 What Attempts have been Made to Reduce Social Inequalities?
3 Social Stratification and Inequality - 3.3 How has Globalisation Affected Inequalities Between Societies?
4 Family - 4.1 What are the Different Types of Families?
4 Family - 4.2 What is the Role of the Family for the Individual and Society?
4 Family - 4.3 How is Family Life Changing?
5 Education - 5.1 What is Education and Schooling?
5 Education - 5.2 What are the Roles and Functions of Education?
5 Education - 5.3 What Factors Help to Explain Differences in Educational Achievement and Experience?
6 Crime, Deviance and Social Control - 6.1 What are Crime, Deviance and Social Control
6 Crime, Deviance and Social Control - 6.2 What are the Patterns of and Explanations for Crime and Deviance?
6 Crime, Deviance and Social Control - 6.3 How is Crime Dealth With in Different Societies?