Webster: The Duchess of Malfi
This playlist brings together six courses on Webster's The Duchess of Malfi. The first three focus on the play directly, while the remaining three look at the broader literary, historical and cultural contexts of Jacobean tragedy.
What this playlist includes:
51 lectures across 6 courses.
All resources designed and delivered by university academics and researchers.
Courses and Lectures
1. Webster: The Duchess of Malfi
Prof. Lisa Hopkins
Sheffield Hallam University
1.1. The Gothic – 08:23
1.2. Setting – 10:07
1.3. Religion – 10:22
1.4. Women – 10:03
1.5. Imagery – 09:35
2. Webster: The Duchess of Malfi
Prof. John Lennard
Independent Scholar
3. Webster: The Duchess of Malfi
Prof. Helen Smith
York University
3.2. The Duchess of Malfi – 10:38
3.3. Bodies and Spaces – 12:48
3.4. Secrets and Secretaries – 11:40
3.5. Critical History – 11:46
5. The Supernatural: A Complete History
Prof. Nick Groom
Exeter University
5.1. Ballads – 11:16
5.2. Revenge Tragedy – 09:37
5.3. Early Vampires – 10:10
5.4. Victorian Vampires – 11:25
5.5. The Uncanny – 19:11
5.6. The Victorian Uncanny – 07:41
5.7. English Ghosts – 14:28
5.8. The American Supernatural – 11:41
6. Seneca and Early Modern Drama
Dr Helen Slaney
University of Oxford
6.1. Shakespeare's Sources – 08:17
6.2. Seneca – 14:36
6.3. Elizabethan Seneca – 12:50
6.5. Revenge Tragedy – 11:57
6.7. The Roman History Play – 12:36
6.8. Restoration Seneca – 14:16