The Tudors
This playlist brings together sixteen courses on the Tudors, covering the reigns of all five Tudor monarchs: Henry VII, Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary I and Elizabeth I.
What this playlist includes:
102 lectures across 16 courses.
All resources designed and delivered by university academics and researchers.
Courses and Lectures
2. The Tudors – Henry VIII and the English Reformation, 1509-47
Dr Tracey Sowerby
University of Oxford
3. The Tudors – Henry VIII and the English Reformation, 1509-47
Dr Jonathan Willis
Birmingham University
3.1. The Late Medieval Church – 09:57
3.3. The Break with Rome – 11:36
3.4. Evangelical Advance – 11:34
3.5. Henry’s Legacy – 08:37
4. The Tudors – Cardinal Wolsey, 1472-1530
Prof. Glenn Richardson
St Mary's University
4.1. The Rise of Wolsey – 08:02
4.2. Wolsey and War – 04:42
4.3. Wolsey and Peace – 04:57
4.5. Wolsey as Lord Chancellor – 06:52
4.6. Eternal Peace – 06:11
4.7. The Fall of Wolsey – 07:38
5. The Tudors – Edward VI and Mary I, 1547-58
Prof. Susan Doran
University of Oxford
6. The Tudors – Elizabeth I, 1558-1603
Prof. Susan Doran
University of Oxford
6.1. The Early Years, 1558-63 – 11:09
6.2. Ministers and Parliament – 10:21
6.3. The Religious Settlement – 09:46
6.4. The Economy – 11:31
6.5. The Succession – 13:24
8. The Tudors – Elizabeth I and the Catholic Problem, 1558-1603
Prof. John Morrill
University of Cambridge
9. The Tudors – Elizabeth I and the Succession Crises, 1558-1603
Prof. John Morrill
University of Cambridge
9.1. Introduction – 05:56
9.3. Rivals to the Throne – 09:48
9.4. Mary, Queen of Scots – 11:45
9.5. Refusal to Marry – 10:20
9.6. The End of the Reign – 08:01
10. The Tudors – Elizabeth I and France, 1558-88
Dr Estelle Paranque
New College of the Humanities
15. The Tudors – Women and Politics, 1485-1603
Dr Nicola Clark
Chichester University
16. The Tudors – Faction in the Tudor Court, 1509-1603
Dr Janet Dickinson
University of Oxford