Shakespeare: Othello
This playlist brings together seven courses on Shakespeare's Othello. The first few look at Othello directly, while the others provide historical, literary and cultural context.
What this playlist includes:
67 lectures across 7 courses.
All resources designed and delivered by university academics and researchers.
Courses and Lectures
1. Shakespeare: Othello
Prof. John Lennard
Independent Scholar
Independent Scholar
1.1. Racism – 06:32
1.2. Casting Othello – 07:21
1.3. Casting Iago – 11:42
1.4. Casting Desdemona – 08:00
1.5. The Othello Music – 08:07
2. Shakespeare: Othello
Prof. John McRae
Nottingham University
Nottingham University
2.1. Introduction: Part I – 12:44
2.2. Introduction: Part II – 08:44
2.3. Act 1, Scene 1: Iago and Roderigo Plot – 15:13
2.4. Act 1, Scene 1: At Brabantio’s Balcony – 12:28
2.5. Act 1, Scene 2: Othello is Summoned by the Duke – 06:48
2.6. Act 1, Scene 3: Othello on Trial – 15:51
2.7. Act 1, Scene 3: Iago’s Plot – 14:56
2.8. Act 2, Scene 1: Welcome to Cyprus – 10:28
2.9. Act 2, Scene 1: Othello Arrives … and Iago Plots – 08:49
2.10. Act 2, Scenes 2-3: A Drunken Brawl – 06:39
2.11. Act 2, Scene 3: Iago Comforts Cassio … and Plots – 06:03
2.12. Act 3, Scenes 1-3: The Morning After the Night ... – 07:14
2.13. Act 3, Scene 3: The Seeds of Jealousy are Planted – 09:20
2.14. Act 3, Scene 3: The Handkerchief – 11:08
2.15. Act 3, Scene 4: Where is the Handkerchief? – 07:04
2.16. Act 4, Scene 1: Eavesdropping – 14:34
2.17. Act 4, Scene 2: Othello Confronts Desdemona – 06:17
2.18. Act 4, Scene 3: Desdemona and Emilia – 04:49
2.19. Act 5, Scene 1: Cassio Injured, Roderigo Killed – 05:38
2.20. Act 5, Scene 2: Othello Kills Desdemona – 13:17
2.21. Act 5, Scene 2: Othello Kills Himself – 12:16
3. Shakespeare: Othello: Recent Scholarship
Prof. Lisa Hopkins
Sheffield Hallam University
Sheffield Hallam University
4. Shakespeare – Othello and Race
Prof. Ania Loomba
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pennsylvania
4.1. The Meaning of Race – 15:28
4.2. The Racialisation of Jealousy – 14:21
4.3. Sex, Sexuality and Race – 13:17
4.4. Race, Sex and Class – 14:26
4.5. Othello in Performance – 15:54
5. Shakespeare and Race
Prof. Miles Grier
Queens College, CUNY
Queens College, CUNY
5.1. Race in Shakespeare – 08:09
5.2. Race as a Plot – 06:30
5.3. Racialised Justice: Blushing, Blanching and Bla... – 07:55
5.4. Race, Kinship and Inheritance – 12:50
6. Tragedy: A Complete History
Prof. John Lennard
Independent Scholar
Independent Scholar
6.1. Greeks 1: Stage, Function, Chorus, Masks – 11:00
6.2. Greeks 2: Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides – 17:41
6.3. Greeks 3: Aristotle and Later Theory – 18:51
6.4. Romans: Seneca and the Circus Maximus – 15:27
6.5. Tragedy and God in the Middle Ages – 11:31
6.6. The Renaissance 1: The Jacobithine Theatre and ... – 15:09
6.7. The Renaissance 2: Shakespeare – 12:26
6.8. Renaissance 3: Besides Shakespeare: Marlowe, We... – 14:03
6.9. Restoration Tragedy and the Proscenium Arch – 13:19
6.10. Romanticism and Tragedy – 10:43
6.11. Tragedy and Technology 1: The Novel – 14:47
6.12. Tragedy and Technology 2: The Camera – 12:23
6.13. Ibsen and Naturalism – 13:08
6.14. Tragedy and Technology 3: Warfare, Poetry and M... – 14:16
6.15. Modernist Tragedy 1: Brecht and Faulkner – 16:57
6.16. Tragedy and the Sho'ah – 18:04
6.17. Modernist Tragedy 2: Lorca and Beckett – 14:32
6.18. Tragedy and Technology 4: Film – 18:05
6.19. Tragedy in Non-Western Cultures: Khushwant Sing... – 16:15
6.20. Tragedy Today – 16:16
7. Shakespeare on Stage
Prof. Tiffany Stern
Royal Holloway, London
Royal Holloway, London
7.1. Parts and Rehearsals – 11:24
7.2. Parts of the Theatre – 05:33
7.3. Props – 07:15
7.4. Shakespeare's Theatres – 10:28
7.5. Shakespeare's Actors – 06:21
7.6. Time in Shakespeare – 11:18