In this course, Dr Llewelyn Morgan (University of Oxford) explores the poetry of the Roman poet Catullus. In particular, we think about Catullus as a poet who combined the innovative and subversive with the traditional and conservative.
What this playlist includes:
10 lectures across 2 courses.
All resources designed and delivered by university academics and researchers.
Courses and Lectures
1. Catullus
Prof. Llewelyn Morgan
University of Oxford
University of Oxford
1.1. Authenticity and Artifice: Poems 92 and 51 – 09:36
1.2. Romanness and Tradition: Poems 46 and 31 – 09:59
1.3. Subversion and Innovation: Poems 64 and 85 – 11:34
1.4. Morality and Immorality: Poems 39, 84, 101, 76,... – 10:14
2. Catullus
Dr Gail Trimble
University of Oxford
University of Oxford
2.1. Catullus’ Poetic Programme – 07:59
2.2. Catullus and Lesbia – 13:37
2.3. Catullus and Myth – 11:35
2.4. Catullus and Invective – 07:20
2.5. Catullus as Epigrammatist – 06:26
2.6. Catullus and Genre – 07:52