In this course, Dr Llewelyn Morgan (University of Oxford) explores the poetry of the Roman poet Catullus. In particular, we think about Catullus as a poet who combined the innovative and subversive with the traditional and conservative.
What this playlist includes:
10 lectures across 2 courses.
All resources designed and delivered by university academics and researchers.
Courses and Lectures
1. Catullus
Prof. Llewelyn Morgan
University of Oxford
2. Catullus
Dr Gail Trimble
University of Oxford
2.2. Catullus and Lesbia – 13:37
2.3. Catullus and Myth – 11:35
2.4. Catullus and Invective – 07:20
2.5. Catullus as Epigrammatist – 06:26
2.6. Catullus and Genre – 07:52