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Food Security: A Global Challenge


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About the lecture

In this module, we think about what food security is, and the challenge of achieving it across the world. We focus on: (i) the basic concept of food security as the ability to produce sufficient food for every person, and indicators that humanity is falling short of this such as obesity and malnutrition rates; (ii) how this may worsen as populations increase, dietary patterns change and agricultural land availability reduces; (iii) geographical inequalities in access to food; (iv) how food security relates to major environmental challenges, such as climate change and biodiversity loss; (v) the link between diet and health, in relation to both obesity and malnutrition.

About the lecturer

Professor Peter Jackson is Professor of Human Geography and Co-Director of the Institute for Sustainable Food at the University of Sheffield. He specialises in geographies of consumption and commodity chains, with a particular emphasis on food. His publications include Reframing Convenience Food (co-author, 2018), Anxious Appetites: Food and Consumer Culture (2015), and The Handbook Food Research (co-editor, 2013).

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Jackson, P. (2023, March 06). Unit 3: Global resource consumption and security - Food Security: A Global Challenge [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Jackson, P. "Unit 3: Global resource consumption and security – Food Security: A Global Challenge." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 06 Mar 2023,