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  • About
  • Transcript
  • Cite

About the lecture

In this lecture, we think about self-disclosure, focusing in particular on: (i) defining what self-disclosure is in the context of online interaction, as well as the content that a self-disclosure can be comprised of; (ii) the importance of reciprocity in encouraging self-disclosure; (iii) Altman and Taylor’s 1973 social penetration theory (STP) of disclosure; (iv) Altman and Taylors three proposed levels of disclosure being superficial, personal and intimate; (v) the finding that people generally disclose more information to women than they do to men; (vi) the reduced potential for judgement in online interactions potentially facilitating increased disclosure; (vii) the online disinhibition effect and the phenomenon that we disclose more information to people we like, as well as liking people more who disclose information to us.

About the lecturer

Dr Martin Graff is a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Life Sciences and Education at the University of South Wales, teaching social psychology, the psychology of relationships and online interaction, as well as research methods. Dr Graff’s research interests are in online relationships and interactions. Some of Dr Graff’s recent publications include 'How can you persuade me online? The impact of goal-driven motivations on attention to online information' (2020) and 'Can time spent on social media affect thin-ideal internalisation, objectified body consciousness and exercise motivation in women?' (2019).

Cite this Lecture

APA style

Graff, M. (2022, May 05). Social Media and Relationships - Self-Disclosure [Video]. MASSOLIT.

MLA style

Graff, M. "Social Media and Relationships – Self-Disclosure." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 05 May 2022,