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In this mini-lecture we look in closer detail the hierarchical structure of biological molecules that make up an organism; that is the genome, where genetic information is stored; the transcriptome, made of RNA, connecting the genome to the proteome; which is considered the workhorse of the body, carrying out many different functions in structure and in biocatalysis; and finally the metabolome, where sugars such as glucose and lactose are found.

About the lecturer

Prof. Sabine Flitsch is a Professor of Chemistry and Chair of Chemical Biology at the University of Manchester. Her research group is housed in the Manchester Institute of Biotechnology. Her research interests are in glycosciences, biocatalysis, and protein-ligand interactions. Most recently, she has started to use biocatalysts on substrates attached to the solid phase, which are of interest in high-throughput chemical synthesis and biological analysis. For her work, she has won the RSC Interdisciplinary Prize, the Zeneca Research Award and the Glaxo Wellcome award for Innovative Chemistry.

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Flitsch, S. (2022, January 12). Option B: Biochemistry - Introduction [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Flitsch, S. "Option B: Biochemistry – Introduction." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 12 Jan 2022,