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Establishing a Dictatorship

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  • About
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About the lecture

In this module, we explore the question of how Hitler came to power, focusing in particular on: (i) the series of crises that characterised 1920s Germany – political, economic and cultural; (ii) the impact of the Treaty of Versailles, particularly the War Guilt Clause and the issue of reparations; (iii) the shifts in political allegiances in this period, driven to some extent by the rise of the Communist left; (iv) Hindenburg’s attempt (and failure) to solve the political crisis through the appointment of three increasingly authoritarian Chancellors between 1930-32; (v) Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor in 1933 and the ways in which he removes alternative centres of power – the Reichstag Fire, the Enabling Act, the banning of political parties, the Night of the Long Knives, the death of Hindenburg; and (vi) the question of where (and why) Germany crossed the point of no return. At what point was it too late to stop Hitler?

About the lecturer

Neil Gregor is Professor of Modern European History at the University of Southampton. His research interests range widely across twentieth-century German history, and have encompassed, at various points, aspects of business history, social history, cultural history and literary studies, along with historiography. His recent publications include (as editor) Dreams of Germany: Musical Imaginaries from the Concert Hall to the Dance Floor. (2019) and How to Read Hitler (2014).

Cite this Lecture

APA style

Gregor, N. (2020, November 16). Nazi Germany, 1933-45 - Establishing a Dictatorship [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Gregor, N. "Nazi Germany, 1933-45 – Establishing a Dictatorship." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 16 Nov 2020,