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In this module, we think about some of the sources for Julius Caesar, focusing in particular on the works of Plutarch and Shakespeare’s earlier works, as well the reasons for Shakespeare’s turn from English to Roman history after 1599.

About the lecturer

John Roe is a professor in Renaissance literature and a member of the Centre for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies (CREMS) at the University of York. He took a BA (subsequently MA) in English Literature at the University of Cambridge and an MA and PhD in Comparative Literature at Harvard University. Comparative Literature, mainly English and Italian, has remained a keen interest, which shows principally in his monograph Shakespeare and Machiavelli. He has taught at York since 1973. Before that he taught at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, and at Harvard. During his time at York he has enjoyed long sojourns at universities in other countries, for example, at the University of the Saarland in Germany, at Kyoto University, Doshisha University, and Kobe Jogakuin, in Japan; and most recently a year as the visiting Gillespie Professor at the College of Wooster in Ohio.

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Roe, J. (2018, November 21). Julius Caesar (1599) - Sources [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Roe, J. "Julius Caesar (1599) – Sources." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 21 Nov 2018,