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About the lecture

In this lecture we think about ethnic patterns of attainment, notably the relatively high achievement of Chinese and Indian students and low achievement of black students, focusing in particular on: (i) arguments from the New Right that cultural differences between ethnic groups explain inequalities in attainment; (ii) David Gillborn’s research, which suggests that discriminatory labelling by teachers means that schools fail to support attainment of black students; (iii) claims that the curriculum, notably regarding its depictions of empire, discourages some students; (iv) Marxists’ arguments that these patterns are shaped by the social class positions of different ethnic groups.

About the lecturer

Matthew Cole is Teaching Fellow in the Department of History at the University of Birmingham. He is a historian of modern Britain with a particular interest in twentieth century constitutional and party politics, and local history.

Cite this Lecture

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Cole, M. (2021, November 11). Ethnicity and Educational Attainment - Ethnicity [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Cole, M. "Ethnicity and Educational Attainment – Ethnicity." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 11 Nov 2021,