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What is Development?

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  • About
  • Transcript
  • Cite

About the lecture

In this module, we explore what we mean by development. In particular, we will focus on: (i) a definition of development, including measurements of income, education, health and equality; (ii) the Human Development Index and what its made up of; (iii) comparisons between countries, including a discussion of the differences between Nigeria and Bangladesh; (iv) the importance of equality to economic development; and (v) the Gini Coefficient.

About the lecturer

Ramin Nassehi is lecturer in the Department for Economics at University College London, as well as a member of the Centre for Teaching and Learning Economics (CTaLE). He specialises in economics pedagogy, particularly in the ways in which economists can better communicate their ideas to the public. As a result of this, he has presented his research at various conferences, including CTREE (AEA), Advanced HE, and the UCL Education Conference. 

Cite this Lecture

APA style

Nassehi, R. (2022, December 05). Emerging and Developing Economies - What is Development? [Video]. MASSOLIT.

MLA style

Nassehi, R. "Emerging and Developing Economies – What is Development?." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 05 Dec 2022,