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About the lecture
In this module, we think about the representation of homosexuality in Edward II, focusing in particular on Marlowe's own (alleged) homosexuality, as well as his interest in this play in exploring relationships more generally – as opposed to the actions of a single, central figure as he had done in his previous two plays.
About the lecturer
Lisa Hopkins is Professor of English at Sheffield Hallam University. Her principal research interests are in Renaissance drama, especially Marlowe, Shakespeare and Ford. She is also interested in the influence of Darwin on fiction, adaptation, and the work of Bram Stoker. At the moment, she is completing a book on From the Romans to the Normans on the English Renaissance Stage. She is a co-editor of Shakespeare, the journal of the British Shakespeare Association, and co-editor of the Arden Early Modern Drama Guides.
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APA style
Hopkins, L. (2018, August 15). Edward II - Homosexuality [Video]. MASSOLIT.
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Hopkins, L. "Edward II – Homosexuality." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 15 Aug 2018,