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Ecosystem Distribution I: Temperature and Moisture

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  • About
  • Transcript
  • Cite

About the lecture

In this module, we think about the influences on global ecosystem distribution, most importantly temperature and moisture. We focus on: (i) how climate determines the geographical distribution of ecosystems, such as the concentration of rainforests around the equator; (ii) the role of geology in these spatial patterns, especially with regard to the capacity of the ground surface to hold moisture; (iii) global tendencies in species diversity, most notably the increase in number of species with proximity to the equator; (iv) biodiversity hotspots – a varied set of regions defined by their particular ecological importance and threatened status.

About the lecturer

Professor Rob Marchant is Professor of Tropical Ecology at the University of York. His research focuses on tropical ecosystems, their distribution, and how they respond to environmental change, particularly in East Africa. He is author of East Africa’s Human Environment Interactions (2021).

Cite this Lecture

APA style

Marchant, R. (2023, March 06). Ecosystems and Biodiversity - Ecosystem Distribution I: Temperature and Moisture [Video]. MASSOLIT.

MLA style

Marchant, R. "Ecosystems and Biodiversity – Ecosystem Distribution I: Temperature and Moisture." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 06 Mar 2023,