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About the lecture

In amongst all the jokes, fifth-century comedy offered serious criticism of the Athenian democracy and its politicians. Tragedy also engaged with fifth-century politics, despite being based in the mythic past. In this module, Rosie explores the theme of ‘politics’ in Greek theatre, examining key scenes in Aeschylus’ Eumenides, Euripides’ Medea and Hippolytus, and Aristophanes’ Wasps and Lysistrata.

About the lecturer

Dr Rosie Wyles researches the cultural history of the ancient world through theatre performance. She did her undergraduate studies in Classics at Oxford and was awarded her PhD on the ancient performance reception of Euripides from the University of London in 2007. Her research interests include Greek and Roman performance arts, costume, reception within antiquity and beyond it, and gender.

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Wyles, R. (2018, August 15). Context - Politics [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Wyles, R. "Context – Politics." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 15 Aug 2018,