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Enlargement and Similar Shapes – 9.04b, 9.04c

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  • About
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About the lecture

In this mini-lecture, we discuss Topics 9.04b and 9.04c by discussing enlargement and similarity of shapes using ratios. In particular, we consider: (i) how relate similar shapes are related via a constant multiplicative factor between corresponding side lengths and angles; and (ii) similarity and ratios in squares, rectangles, cubes, and right triangles.

About the lecturer

Thomas Woolley is a Mathematical Biologist and Senior Lecturer in the School of Mathematics at Cardiff University. His research focuses on modelling biological systems in order to understand how certain biological phenomena occur. Currently, he is working on understanding muscle stem cell protrusions known as blebs. Blebs allow cells to move along muscle fibres in order to find and heal damage, and Dr Woolley is interested in gaining insights into how this motion occurs. Alongside his research, Dr Woolley is passionate about outreach and has contributed to a variety of projects, including appearances on Numberphile and BBC Radio Wales – Science Cafe. He also contributed to the creation of Mathematics: The Winton Gallery at the London Science Museum.

Cite this Lecture

APA style

Woolley, T. (2023, June 05). 9. Congruence and Similarity - Enlargement and Similar Shapes – 9.04b, 9.04c [Video]. MASSOLIT.

MLA style

Woolley, T. "9. Congruence and Similarity – Enlargement and Similar Shapes – 9.04b, 9.04c." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 05 Jun 2023,