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Vygotsky: Elementary and Higher Mental Functions


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About the lecture

In this lecture, we introduce the cognitive theory of Lev Vygotsky, a Russian psychologist and contemporary of Jean Piaget’s, focusing in particular on: (i) contrasting the two researchers’ theories, showing the similarities between the two, e.g., the notion that development occurs in distinct stages and proceeds through moments of crisis; (ii) an important marker of difference in Vygotsky’s theory being the suggestion that social interaction – learning from a more knowledgeable other – lies at the heart of a child’s cognitive development; (iii) the distinction between ‘elementary mental functions’ (e.g. perception) which Vygotsky describes as universal and innate and ‘higher mental functions’ (e.g. problem solving) which involve the mediation of culturally determined symbolic systems (such as language); (iv) how a child can acquire the latter, more complex cognitive skills through social interaction.

About the lecturer

Dr Richard O’Connor is a cognitive developmental psychology in the Faculty of Health Sciences and School of Psychology and Social Work at the University of Hull. Dr O’Connor’s research interests include theory of mind and word learning. Some of Dr O’Connor’s recent publications include Autistic Adults Show Similar Performance and Sensitivity to Social Cues on a Visual Perspective Taking Task as Non-autistic Adults (In Press) and Stroop interference is a composite phenomenon: Evidence from distinct developmental trajectories of its components (2020).

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O'Connor, R. (2019, December 16). 5.7 Thinking and Problem Solving - Vygotsky: Elementary and Higher Mental Functions [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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O'Connor, R. "5.7 Thinking and Problem Solving – Vygotsky: Elementary and Higher Mental Functions." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 16 Dec 2019,