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Gene-Environment Relationships


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In this lecture, we think about how our genes and the environment can relate, and combine, to create a final ‘output’ (phenotype), focusing in particular on: (i) the example of height, noting that research shows that 60-80% of variation in people’s height can be attributed to genetic variation; (ii) the environmental factor of diet, proposing that nutritional intake impacts the extent to which our genetic potential for height is expressed; (iii) the key distinction between genotype and phenotype, explaining that our genotype can lay out a range of heights that we might achieve, while our phenotype is the observable characteristic of objectively how tall we actually are; (iv) the phenotype as being where we see the role our environment has played on the expression of our genetic tendency for a particular characteristic; (v) Caspi and colleagues’ 2003 study, implicating long and short alleles of the 5-HTT gene with depression outcomes in the face of negative life events; (vi) differentiating passive, active, and evocative correlations between genetic and environmental influences.


Genotype – The genetic composition of an individual organism as a whole, or at one specific position on a chromosome.

Phenotype – The observable characteristics of an individual, such as morphological or bio- chemical features and the presence or absence of a particular disease or condition.

A passive genotype-environment correlation – The association between the genotype that a child inherits from their parents and the environment in which that child is raised.

An active (or selective) genotype-environment correlation – The association between an individual's genetic propensities and the environmental niches that an individual selects.

An evocative (or reactive) genotype-environment correlation – The association between an individual's genetically influenced behaviour and others' reactions to that behaviour.

About the lecturer

Dr Lydia Kearney is Deputy School Director of Education in the School of Psychology at the University of Kent. Dr Kearney’s research areas of interest are social anxiety and experiences of mental imagery, particularly how the two interact and impact attention and interpretation biases. Some of Dr Kearney’s recent publications include 'Observer perspective imagery in social anxiety: effects on negative thoughts and discomfort' (2011) and 'The intra and interpersonal effects of observer and field perspective imagery in social anxiety' (2013).

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Kearney, L. (2022, January 04). 2.1 Interaction of Heredity and Environment - Gene-Environment Relationships [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Kearney, L. "2.1 Interaction of Heredity and Environment – Gene-Environment Relationships." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 04 Jan 2022,