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The Theory of Plate Tectonics


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About the lecture

In this module, we think about the theory of plate tectonics and how it developed. We focus on: (i) the location of the major tectonic plates, the main types of plate boundary (convergent, divergent, and conservative), and the internal structure of the upper layers of the Earth – the lithosphere and asthenosphere; (ii) Alfred Wegener’s theory of continental drift, and his evidence that the continents once comprised a single landmass; (iii) the key discoveries which led to the eventual acceptance of Wegener’s theory, most notably seafloor spreading as a mechanism for continental movement; (iv) how the discovery of plate subduction, alongside seafloor spreading, produced the theory of plate tectonics.

About the lecturer

Dr Rebecca Bell is Senior Lecturer in Geology and Geophysics at Imperial College London. She researches the tectonic evolution of the Earth’s lithosphere, with a particular focus on fault formation, slipping on subduction plate boundaries, and the development of continental rifts.

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Bell, R. (2023, March 07). 2.1 Earthquakes and volcanoes - The Theory of Plate Tectonics [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Bell, R. "2.1 Earthquakes and volcanoes – The Theory of Plate Tectonics." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 07 Mar 2023,