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Magnetic Flux and Faraday’s Law


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In this mini-lecture, we introduce magnetic flux and Faraday’s law. In particular, we: (i) define the magnetic flux as the number of field lines that penetrate a surface, and give the corresponding mathematical expression; (ii) consider how to alter our equation for magnetic flux of a coil with N turns; (iii) consider that when the magnetic field through a closed loop changes with time, this causes the magnetic flux to change with time, which induces a voltage called the electromotive force (EMF) that causes a current to flow in the circuit (a phenomenon known as Faraday’s Law); (iv) write down the equation relating EMF and magnetic flux, as well as the equation relating EMF, current, and resistance; and (v) list three ways to get a time varying flux.

About the lecturer

Mohamed Anber is a Professor of Mathematical and Theoretical Particle Physics at Durham University. At the time of filming his course on magnetism, he was a Professor of Physics at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon in the United States. His research interests involve a broad range of theoretical physics topics, including those in quantum field theory and theoretical cosmology.

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Anber, M. (2022, January 12). 11. Electromagnetic Induction - Magnetic Flux and Faraday’s Law [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Anber, M. "11. Electromagnetic Induction – Magnetic Flux and Faraday’s Law." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 12 Jan 2022,