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About the lecture

In the first mini-lecture, we are introduced to the field of microscopy by discussing its first steps. In this video we learn about the earliest versions of microscopes in the 16th century, and the inventors behind them. We discuss the work of Zacharius Janssen, Robert Hooke and his famous publication ‘Micrographia’, and Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. To continue, we delve into the basic principles of microscopy, and how lenses (either working independently or in conjunction with other lenses) magnify light to high resolutions. The lecture then finishes with some of the properties that we observe within light microscopes, such as chromatic aberration and the tools we have available to minimise chromatic aberration and maximise resolution.

About the lecturer

Izzy Jayasinghe is a senior lecturer in the Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology at the University of Sheffield and the leader of the Applied Biophotonics Group. Her research focuses on super resolution microscopy, biophysics, cardiac muscle and microscopy instrument development. In addition to her scientific research and teaching, she is a strong advocate for gender equality and diversity in academia.

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Jayasinghe, I. (2022, August 30). 1 Cell Structure - Overview [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Jayasinghe, I. "1 Cell Structure – Overview." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 30 Aug 2022,