Modern Britain
This Playlist covers the history of Britain from 1900 to 1990.
What this playlist includes:
73 lectures across 14 courses.
All resources designed and delivered by university academics and researchers.
Courses and Lectures
1. Britain – The Women's Suffrage Movement, 1780-1928
Prof. Julie Gottlieb
Sheffield University
Sheffield University
1.1. What are the origins of the women's suffrage mo... – 11:10
1.2. How did centralising women's suffrage support i... – 07:38
1.3. How did the Women's Social and Political Union ... – 09:14
1.4. Which factors impacted the success of the women... – 07:45
1.5. What is the legacy of the women's suffrage move... – 07:43
2. Britain – Empire, 1880-1914
Prof. Jeremy Black
Exeter University
Exeter University
2.1. What was the state of the British Empire in the... – 06:49
2.2. What were the motivations for British imperiali... – 09:14
2.3. How was British imperialism successful in this ... – 10:06
2.4. How did Britain establish control of the Nile V... – 11:27
2.5. What British conflicts occurred in Sudan and So... – 10:40
2.6. What was the state of the British Empire before... – 10:09
3. Britain – Healthcare, c.1900-48
Dr George Gosling
Wolverhampton University
Wolverhampton University
3.1. When did the NHS begin? – 08:46
3.2. Was there free public healthcare before the NHS? – 09:15
3.3. What did private healthcare look like before th... – 08:37
3.4. Did everyone have to pay for healthcare before ... – 08:56
3.5. Why was there no NHS before 1948? – 08:27
4. Britain – Politics, 1902-14
Prof. Jeremy Black
Exeter University
Exeter University
4.1. What did British politics look like in the earl... – 07:47
4.2. What was Liberal policy in the early 20th century? – 09:23
4.3. What was the outcome of the 1909-11 constitutio... – 10:14
4.4. How did the Conservatives and Liberals differ i... – 07:28
4.5. How significant were the Suffragette Movement a... – 12:17
4.6. What was the significance of Ireland in British... – 09:28
5. Britain – The Liberal Reforms, 1906-14
Dr Matthew Cole
Birmingham University
Birmingham University
5.1. Aims and Impact – 08:14
5.2. Children – 06:43
5.3. Working People – 09:34
5.4. The Elderly – 08:41
6. Britain – The First World War, 1914-18
Prof. Jeremy Black
Exeter University
Exeter University
6.1. What were the challenges for the British military? – 06:58
6.2. What were the challenges for British industry? – 09:26
6.3. What were the challenges for Britain's food pro... – 08:12
6.4. What were the challenges for Britain's politics? – 12:09
6.5. How did the First World War affect women's suff... – 09:12
6.6. What were the challenges for Britain's morale? – 12:26
7. Britain – The Great War and British Society, 1914-39
Dr Matthew Cole
Birmingham University
Birmingham University
7.1. Total War – 05:08
7.2. Economy and Society – 07:19
7.3. Politics and the Political System – 07:10
7.4. Britain's Position in the World – 06:34
8. Britain – The Economy, 1918-39
Dr Chris Price
York St John University
York St John University
8.1. The British Economy in 1918 – 08:08
8.2. 1920s: Nailed to a Cross of Gold – 09:35
8.3. 1929-31: The Great Depression – 09:34
8.4. 1932-35: Recovery – 11:51
8.5. 1936-39: Rearmament – 12:08
9. Britain – Politics, 1918-45
Dr Robert Crowcroft
Edinburgh University
Edinburgh University
9.1. The Conservative Ascendancy – 09:41
9.2. The Rise of the Labour Party, 1918-31 – 09:30
9.3. Turmoil and Instability – 11:37
9.4. Appeasement and British Politics – 09:41
9.5. Churchill as War Leader – 08:50
9.6. The 1945 General Election – 08:34
10. Britain – Churchill and International Diplomacy, 1939-51
Professor N. Piers Ludlow
London School of Economics
London School of Economics
10.1. What were the outcomes of Churchill's Second Wo... – 08:26
10.2. What role did Allied conferences play in Second... – 09:25
10.3. What were Churchill's proposals for post-war Ge... – 09:25
10.4. What were the purposes and outcomes of Churchil... – 08:52
10.5. What were Churchill's post-war views on Empire ... – 10:45
11. Britain – Winston Churchill, 1929-55
Prof. Richard Toye
Exeter University
Exeter University
11.1. The Wilderness Years, 1929-39 – 09:02
11.2. Becoming Prime Minister, 1939-40 – 07:27
11.3. Wartime Prime Minister – 07:46
11.4. Defeat in 1945 – 08:35
11.5. Out of Power, 1945-51 – 08:24
11.6. Prime Minister Again, 1951-55 – 08:47
12. Britain – Politics, 1951-64
Dr Mark Garnett
Lancaster University
Lancaster University
12.1. Who were the Conservative Party leaders from 19... – 06:08
12.2. How was the 1950s for the Labour Party? – 03:54
12.3. How did the Conservative Party dominate in the ... – 03:09
12.4. What was Butskellism? – 12:35
12.5. Why did Conservative dominance end in 1964? – 11:54
13. Britain – Thatcherism, 1979-90
Prof. Peter Dorey
Cardiff University
Cardiff University
13.1. What were Margaret Thatcher's economic views? – 09:18
13.2. What were some of Margaret Thatcher's key polic... – 10:24
13.3. How did Thatcher's governments approach governm... – 07:19
13.4. How did Thatcher manage her cabinet? – 07:12
13.5. How did Thatcher manage ministers who did not a... – 09:38
13.6. How did Thatcher manage loyalist ministers? – 08:33
14. Britain – Appeasement, 1930-1939
Prof. Julie Gottlieb
Sheffield University
Sheffield University
14.1. How can we understand appeasement in context? – 11:38
14.2. What were the responses to appeasement in the 1... – 08:28
14.3. What were the alternatives to appeasement? – 10:38
14.4. How was appeasement viewed by the British public? – 12:40