Language in the Media
In this course, Dr Sylvia Jaworska (University of Reading) provides an introduction to analysing media texts. In the first lecture, we think about what we mean when we talk about ‘media’, including the idea that a ‘medium’ is something that we use to fulfil a particular function. After that, we think about media texts that combine two or more modes and the idea of multimodality more generally. In the third module, we think about how and why we might divide media texts into particular genres, before turning in the fourth module to think about how the media industry makes money and the rise in sensationalism in media texts, and especially the phenomenon of ‘clickbait’. In the fifth and final lecture, we think about the phenomenon of fake news, including why humans are uniquely predisposed to spread (and to believe!) fake news, and some of its linguistic characteristics.
What this playlist includes:
11 lectures across 2 courses.
All resources designed and delivered by university academics and researchers.
Courses and Lectures
1. Language in the Media
Dr Sylvia Jaworksa
Reading University
Reading University
1.1. What is Media? – 04:06
1.2. Modes and Multimodality – 07:38
1.3. Genre – 06:40
1.4. Media Industry and Clickbait – 07:51
1.5. Fake News – 02:51
2. Language in the Media
Dr Johan Unger
Lancaster University
Lancaster University
2.1. What is ‘media’ and how does it relate to langu... – 11:29
2.2. Framing – 07:54
2.3. Language, Media and Ideology – 09:28
2.4. Rhetoric and Argumentation – 11:03
2.5. Multimodality – 11:42
2.6. Language, Social Media and Politics – 12:53