Beckett: Waiting for Godot
In this course, Professor Andrew Gibson (Royal Holloway, London) explores Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot. We begin by thinking about Beckett’s life, tracing his development as a man and a writer up to the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939. In the second module, we think about life in France during and after the Second World War, focusing in particular on the gap between the nationalist rhetoric of Philippe Pétain and Charles de Gaulle and the reality of a France that had been humiliated by an invasion and occupation by foreign powers. In the third module, we think about Beckett’s own experiences in the Second World War, before moving on in the fourth module to consider his presentation of human mediocrity and insignificance – what we might call ‘anti-humanism’. In the fifth module, we think about how Beckett finds great humour in his ‘anti-humanism’ (especially through the characters of Vladimir and Estragon) before turning in the sixth module to think about ‘waiting’ and ‘Godot’.
What this playlist includes:
12 lectures across 2 courses.
All resources designed and delivered by university academics and researchers.
Courses and Lectures
1. Beckett: Waiting for Godot
Prof. Andrew Gibson
Royal Holloway, London
Royal Holloway, London
1.1. Beckett’s Life to 1939 – 06:19
1.2. Wartime and Post-War France: Rhetoric and Reality – 07:49
1.3. Beckett’s Life in the War – 05:49
1.4. Beckett’s ‘Anti-Humanism’ – 10:51
1.5. Humour and Anti-Humanism – 08:59
1.6. Waiting and Godot – 10:13
2. Beckett: Waiting for Godot
Prof. Anna McMullan
Reading University
Reading University
2.1. Who was Samuel Beckett? – 09:19
2.2. Waiting for Godot in Paris and London – 08:40
2.3. What kind of theatre is Waiting for Godot? – 10:30
2.4. What does Waiting for Godot mean? – 11:36
2.5. Beckett as Director – 05:15
2.6. Conclusion: Godot Our Contemporary – 03:30