In this course, Dr Rosie Wyles (University of Kent) provides a critical study of three plays of Aristophanes – The Acharnians (425 BC), The Knights (424 BC) and Peace (421 BC) – in their theatrical, religious, social, and political context. In particular, we explore the presentation of a few of many real Athenians that appear in the play (e.g. Cleon, Lamachus, Demosthenes, Nicias), before considering the presentation of war, ritual and festivals across all three plays.
What this playlist includes:
22 lectures across 2 courses.
All resources designed and delivered by university academics and researchers.
Courses and Lectures
1. Aristophanes
Dr Rosie Wyles
Kent University
1.2. Cleon – 14:13
1.3. Lamachus – 07:10
1.4. Nicias & Demosthenes – 07:39
1.6. The Persians – 08:36
1.7. War – 13:01
1.8. Rituals & Festivals – 06:35
2. Aristophanes
Prof. Edith Hall
Durham University
2.1. Comedy and Democracy – 08:51
2.5. Conceptual – 00:51
2.6. Individual Scenes – 00:59
2.7. Slapstick / Farce – 01:00
2.8. Visual – 00:51
2.9. Parody – 02:27
2.10. Satire – 02:26
2.11. Identity-Building – 01:51
2.12. All About the Body – 01:32
2.13. Verbal / Linguistic – 03:23