Prof. David Bergbreiter

Texas A&M University

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Professor David Bergbreiter obtained his B.S from Michigan State and his PhD from MIT. He has worked as an academic in various places but he currently works at Texas A&M, receiving awards for his research and teaching at the university, including the South Eastern Conference Faculty Achievement Award (2017), the Regents' Professor Award (2016 – present), among many others. David Bergbreiter and his group explore new chemistry related to catalysis and polymer functionalization using the tools and precepts of synthetic organic chemistry to prepare functional oligomers or polymers that in turn are used to either affect catalysis in a greener, more environmentally benign way or to efficiently functionalize polymers. Often this involves developing new separation chemistry that creatively uses polymers but retains the reactivity of a low molecular weight catalyst, ligand, or reagent. These green chemistry projects involve fundamental research both in synthesis and catalysis but still have relevance to practical problems.



Optical Isomerism


All courses by Prof. David Bergbreiter