Prof. Claire Smith
Sussex University
Prof Claire Smith's research focuses on understanding the student learning experience so that the learning can be improved. Her seminal research has led the field in understanding how students learn. She has published over a 100 peer review articles and has over a thousand citations. Her recent focus has been on developing core curricula and on understanding the decisions involved in the process of body donation. Prof Smith is the Lead author of Gray’s Surface Anatomy for Students and the faulty advisor for Crash Course Anatomy and Physiology. Prof Smith has contributed book chapters to several books including: Teaching Anatomy, 30 Second Anatomy and Biomedical Visualisation, Claire is an Associate editor for Anatomical Sciences Education - the world-leading journal for anatomy education. Claire was the Principal Investigator and lead author on the revised Core Anatomy Syllabus for Medical Students (Produced in collaboration with the Anatomical Society, Hull York Medical School and the University of Newcastle). Claire is a member of the world Anatomy Education Committee (FIPAE) She was the first in the UK to begin printing 3D anatomy body parts for students scanned from a donated human cadaver and recently has contributed to two publications on the impact of Covid 19 on Anatomy Education.