Classics & Ancient History Courses

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Classics & Ancient History

Course • Classics & Ancient History • 6 lectures

Politics of the Late Republic: Cicero

Prof. Catherine Steel, Glasgow University
6 Lessons
Classics & Ancient History

Politics of the Late Republic: Cicero

Prof. Catherine Steel
Glasgow University

Course • Classics & Ancient History • 5 lectures

Lysias: Against Simon

Prof. Edward Harris, Durham University
5 Lessons
Classics & Ancient History

Lysias: Against Simon

Prof. Edward Harris
Durham University

Course • Classics & Ancient History • 6 lectures

Alexander the Great

Prof. Paul Cartledge, University of Cambridge
6 Lessons
Classics & Ancient History

Alexander the Great

Prof. Paul Cartledge
University of Cambridge

Course • Classics & Ancient History • 6 lectures

Cicero: Pro Milone

Dr Andrew Sillett, University of Oxford
6 Lessons
Classics & Ancient History

Cicero: Pro Milone

Dr Andrew Sillett
University of Oxford

Course • Classics & Ancient History • Philosophy & Religious Studies • 8 lectures

Plato: Apology

Prof. Angie Hobbs, Sheffield University
8 Lessons
Classics & Ancient History Philosophy & Religious Studies

Plato: Apology

Prof. Angie Hobbs
Sheffield University

Course • Classics & Ancient History • 6 lectures

Democracy and the Athenians

Prof. Paul Cartledge, University of Cambridge
6 Lessons
Classics & Ancient History

Democracy and the Athenians

Prof. Paul Cartledge
University of Cambridge

Course • Classics & Ancient History • 5 lectures

Homer: Iliad

Prof. Barbara Graziosi, Princeton University
5 Lessons
Classics & Ancient History

Homer: Iliad

Prof. Barbara Graziosi
Princeton University

Course • Classics & Ancient History • Philosophy & Religious Studies • 6 lectures

Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics

Prof. Anthony Price, Birkbeck College, London
6 Lessons
Classics & Ancient History Philosophy & Religious Studies

Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics

Prof. Anthony Price
Birkbeck College, London

Course • Classics & Ancient History • 5 lectures

Greek Religion: Mystery Cult

Prof. Richard Seaford, Exeter University
5 Lessons
Classics & Ancient History

Greek Religion: Mystery Cult

Prof. Richard Seaford
Exeter University

Course • Classics & Ancient History • 12 lectures

Plautus: The Brothers Menaechmus and the Swaggering Soldier

Prof. John Wilkins, Exeter University
12 Lessons
Classics & Ancient History

Plautus: The Brothers Menaechmus and the Swaggering Soldier

Prof. John Wilkins
Exeter University

Course • Classics & Ancient History • Philosophy & Religious Studies • 6 lectures

Plato: Phaedo

Prof. David Sedley, University of Cambridge
6 Lessons
Classics & Ancient History Philosophy & Religious Studies

Plato: Phaedo

Prof. David Sedley
University of Cambridge

Course • Classics & Ancient History • 5 lectures

Greek Religion: Hero Cult

Prof. Richard Seaford, Exeter University
5 Lessons
Classics & Ancient History

Greek Religion: Hero Cult

Prof. Richard Seaford
Exeter University

Course • Classics & Ancient History • 6 lectures

Politics of the Late Republic

Dr Ed Bispham, University of Oxford
6 Lessons
Classics & Ancient History

Politics of the Late Republic

Dr Ed Bispham
University of Oxford

Course • Classics & Ancient History • 6 lectures

Virgil: Aeneid

Prof. Richard Jenkyns, University of Oxford
6 Lessons
Classics & Ancient History

Virgil: Aeneid

Prof. Richard Jenkyns
University of Oxford

Course • Classics & Ancient History • 7 lectures

Democracy and the Athenians

Prof. Robin Osborne, University of Cambridge
7 Lessons
Classics & Ancient History

Democracy and the Athenians

Prof. Robin Osborne
University of Cambridge

Course • Classics & Ancient History • 2 lectures

Homer: The Worlds of the Iliad and Odyssey

Dr Elton Barker, Open University
2 Lessons
Classics & Ancient History

Homer: The Worlds of the Iliad and Odyssey

Dr Elton Barker
Open University

Course • Classics & Ancient History • 5 lectures

Homer: Odyssey

Prof. Richard Jenkyns, University of Oxford
5 Lessons
Classics & Ancient History

Homer: Odyssey

Prof. Richard Jenkyns
University of Oxford

Course • Classics & Ancient History • 6 lectures

Tacitus: The Accession of Tiberius (Annals 1)

Prof. Christopher Whitton, University of Cambridge
6 Lessons
Classics & Ancient History

Tacitus: The Accession of Tiberius (Annals 1)

Prof. Christopher Whitton
University of Cambridge

Course • Classics & Ancient History • 5 lectures

The Persian Wars, 490-479 BC

Prof. Paul Cartledge, University of Cambridge
5 Lessons
Classics & Ancient History

The Persian Wars, 490-479 BC

Prof. Paul Cartledge
University of Cambridge

Course • Classics & Ancient History • 5 lectures

Greek Religion: The Nature of the Gods

Dr Emma Aston, Reading University
5 Lessons
Classics & Ancient History

Greek Religion: The Nature of the Gods

Dr Emma Aston
Reading University

Course • Classics & Ancient History • 6 lectures

Tacitus: The Year of the Four Emperors (Histories 1)

Dr Ellen O'Gorman, Bristol University
6 Lessons
Classics & Ancient History

Tacitus: The Year of the Four Emperors (Histories 1)

Dr Ellen O'Gorman
Bristol University

Course • Classics & Ancient History • 5 lectures

Seneca: Letters

Prof. Catharine Edwards, Birkbeck College, London
5 Lessons
Classics & Ancient History

Seneca: Letters

Prof. Catharine Edwards
Birkbeck College, London

Course • Classics & Ancient History • 6 lectures

Democracy and the Athenians: 5th Century

Prof. Edward Harris, Durham University
6 Lessons
Classics & Ancient History

Democracy and the Athenians: 5th Century

Prof. Edward Harris
Durham University

Course • Classics & Ancient History • 6 lectures

Virgil: Aeneid

Prof. Llewelyn Morgan, University of Oxford
6 Lessons
Classics & Ancient History

Virgil: Aeneid

Prof. Llewelyn Morgan
University of Oxford

Course • Classics & Ancient History • 6 lectures

Democracy and the Athenians: Cleisthenes

Dr Tom Hooper, Institute of Classical Studies, London
6 Lessons
Classics & Ancient History

Democracy and the Athenians: Cleisthenes

Dr Tom Hooper
Institute of Classical Studies, London

Course • Classics & Ancient History • 6 lectures

Euripides: Hippolytus

Dr James Morwood, University of Oxford
6 Lessons
Classics & Ancient History

Euripides: Hippolytus

Dr James Morwood
University of Oxford

Course • Classics & Ancient History • 5 lectures

Greek Art

Prof. Judith Barringer, Edinburgh University
5 Lessons
Classics & Ancient History

Greek Art

Prof. Judith Barringer
Edinburgh University