UK Government
This Playlist brings together seven courses on the UK Government. Ideal for those taking Edexcel A Level Politics (9PL0).
What this playlist includes:
34 lectures across 7 courses.
All resources designed and delivered by university academics and researchers.
Courses and Lectures
1. The Constitution of the United Kingdom
Dr Matthew Cole
Birmingham University
Birmingham University
1.1. Sources of the UK Constitution – 08:06
1.2. Criticisms of the UK Constitution – 06:43
1.3. Benefits of the UK Constitution – 08:05
1.4. Changing the Constitution – 11:41
2. The Westminster Model and the Civil Service
Dr Patrick Diamond
2.1. Key Characteristics – 08:20
2.2. Arguments For and Against – 11:17
2.3. Supporters and Critics – 12:15
2.4. The Role of the Civil Service – 09:24
2.5. Challenges and Changes to the Civil Service – 09:42
3. Politics in Northern Ireland, 1921-Present
Dr Catherine McGlynn
Huddersfield University
Huddersfield University
3.1. Conflict in Northern Ireland, 1921-74 – 08:34
3.2. The Troubles, 1968-98 – 09:31
3.3. The Good Friday Agreement to the St Andrews Agr... – 10:31
3.4. Parties and the Collapse of Institutions – 11:07
4. Parliament in the United Kingdom
Dr Louise Thompson
Manchester University
Manchester University
4.1. Conflict – 11:35
4.2. Divisions – 11:21
4.3. Political Parties – 16:17
4.4. The House of Lords – 12:44
4.5. Brexit – 13:10
5. The Party System in the United Kingdom
Prof. Paul Webb
Sussex University
Sussex University
5.1. What is a Party System? – 10:04
5.2. The Devolved Party Systems – 07:15
5.3. The Party System in Westminster – 05:05
5.4. Measuring Political Fragmentation – 06:16
5.5. The Return of Two-Party Politics? – 05:17
5.6. Brexit – 12:51
6. The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Dr Richard Heffernan
Open University
Open University
6.1. Who Gets to be Prime Minister? – 03:43
6.2. What Does the Prime Minister Do? – 05:13
6.3. What is the Relationship Between the Prime Mini... – 06:46
6.4. How Powerful is the Prime Minister? – 05:29
6.5. Comparing the UK Prime Minister with the US Pre... – 05:22
6.6. How Does the Prime Minister Cease to be Prime M... – 05:03
7. The UK and the European Union
Dr Simon Usherwood
Surrey University
Surrey University
7.1. The Creation of the European Union – 07:20
7.2. Understanding the European Union – 08:19
7.3. Impact of EU Membership on UK Politics – 09:00
7.4. Brexit – 09:51