Cicero: De Imperio
In this course, Henriette van der Blom (University of Glasgow) explores Cicero's speech 'De Imperio Cn Pompeii', delivered in 66 BC. The course begins with an introduction to oratory in Rome, including the different kinds of speeches that an orator might deliver, before moving on to consider the historical and political context of the speech. In the third module, we look at the two main protagonists in this speech, Pompey and Cicero, before looking in the fourth module at the structure of the speech and the arguments that Cicero makes to prove that Pompey should be given what he wants. In the final speech, we look at the impact of the speech; firstly the impact of Pompey's command on Roman foreign and domestic policy, and secondly the impact on Cicero's political career.
What this playlist includes:
9 lectures across 2 courses.
All resources designed and delivered by university academics and researchers.
Courses and Lectures
1. Cicero: De Imperio
Dr Henriette van der Blom
Birmingham University
1.1. Oratory in Rome – 11:52
1.3. Pompey and Cicero – 12:46
1.4. The Speech – 14:54
1.5. The Impact of the Speech – 08:38
2. Cicero: De Imperio
Dr Alison Rosenblitt
University of Oxford
2.1. Cicero in the Forum – 06:22
2.2. Cicero and the People – 09:38
2.3. Cicero and the Consulship – 07:51
2.4. Cicero and Pompey – 09:24