Dr Sacha Golob
King's College London
Sacha Golob read Philosophy as an undergraduate at Pembroke College, Cambridge before completing the BPhil in Philosophy at Merton College, Oxford. He returned to Cambridge to do his PhD on the relationship between Kant and Phenomenology.
From 2009 to 2012 he was an Affiliated Lecturer in the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Cambridge and a Junior Research Fellow at Peterhouse, Cambridge.
The Ethics of Art
All courses by Dr Sacha Golob

Course • Philosophy & Religious Studies • 8 lectures
The Ethics of Art
Dr Sacha Golob, King's College London
Philosophy & Religious Studies
The Ethics of Art
Dr Sacha GolobKing's College London

Course • Philosophy & Religious Studies • 6 lectures
Kant's Critiques
Dr Sacha Golob, King's College London
Philosophy & Religious Studies
Kant's Critiques
Dr Sacha GolobKing's College London
Course • Theory of Knowledge • 5 lectures
Art and Knowledge
Dr Sacha Golob, King's College London
Theory of Knowledge
Art and Knowledge
Dr Sacha GolobKing's College London