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The Constitution


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About the lecture

In this module, we think about the extent to which the structure of the constitution of the Roman Republic may have contributed to its collapse in the first century BC. In particular, we consider: (i) the idea of the Republican constitution as a “mixed constitution”, in which there was a balance of monarchical, aristocratic and democratic elements; (ii) the problems associated with an annual rotation of magistracies; (iii) the tendency for the Roman political class to see election to the consulship as an end in itself; (iv) the ultra-conservatism of the Roman senate; and (v) the inadequacy of a four-hundred year old constitution for a territory as large as the Roman Empire in the first century BC.

About the lecturer

Ed is interested in all areas of antiquity, the classical world and its interlocutors. At Oxford, he teaches most ancient history papers. For the past decade and a bit more he has been thinking about how historians should and can use archaeological data, and vice versa. He has been very lucky to be able to go to the mountains in central Italy and think about this while other people shovel large amounts of soil around. Currently he is chairman of the Sub-Faculty of Ancient History and Classical Archaeology: his present project involves trying to find out what this means in practice.

His research interests fall broadly into three categories at the moment: the history, archaeology and epigraphy of Italy, especially the impact of the Roman conquest; the political and cultural history of the Roman Republic; early Roman historiography. He is Co-Director of the Sangro Valley Project (Phase II), with Prof. Susan Kane, of Oberlin College, Ohio.

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Bispham, E. (2020, March 11). The Breakdown of the Late Republic, 88-31 BC - The Constitution [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Bispham, E. "The Breakdown of the Late Republic, 88-31 BC – The Constitution." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 11 Mar 2020,