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History   >   US History – Colonial Politics and Political Identity, 1607-1754

Colonising Visions and Realities, 1580-1640

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US History – Colonial Politics and Political Identity, 1607-1754

In this course, Professor John Brooke (The Ohio State University) explores colonial politics and political identity from 1607-1754. In the first module, we take a look at some of the motives behind colonisation in North America and how these visions actually played out in reality. After this, we turn to explore how the colonial charters organised the American colonies into distinct and novel political entities from 1607-60. In the next module, we explore the transformation of the American colonies into provinces in the period 1630-1730. After this, we explore the struggles over the governance of the British North American colonies in the 18th century. In the penultimate module, we discuss the Atlantic Turn from 1730-54. In the final module, we explore what British North America was like in 1754.

Colonising Visions and Realities, 1580-1640

In this module, we take a look at some of the motives behind colonisation in North America and how these visions actually played out in reality. In particular, we focus on: (i) Richard Hakluyt and John Dee's vision for the colonies in North America; (ii) early colonists and Native Americans; (iii) the failed colony at Roanoke; (iv) how British settlement in North America differed from Spanish settlement.

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Brooke, J. (2022, February 22). US History – Colonial Politics and Political Identity, 1607-1754 - Colonising Visions and Realities, 1580-1640 [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Brooke, J. "US History – Colonial Politics and Political Identity, 1607-1754 – Colonising Visions and Realities, 1580-1640." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 22 Feb 2022,


Prof. John Brooke

Prof. John Brooke

The Ohio State University